Promptly Questioned

Promptly Questioned
300 questions for the fiction writer to answer

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Just Another Pretty Unfamiliar Face

Meet Clarisse
created with the AI program

One of my favorite things is in coming up with new characters for my stories. Or just coming up with characters in general, that I then offer to my fellow writers because someone out there might be able to give them life. But I found a really cool tool that has helped me in my character quest. It's called This Person Does Not Exist and it's an Artificial Intelligence program that creates faces of people who don't exist.

I was led to this site by a gentleman by the name of J.A. Taylor. He is one of the creators of a little pub called Centina Pentina on the platform. They publish stories of 50 and/or 100 words each. I've been a huge fan of the publication for several months now and have had several pieces published through them. 

One of their prompts was to go through this site and find a picture of someone and create a story around them. It was a blast. I was lost on the site for 3 full hours before I remembered what I was supposed to be doing. I also noticed something a bit...odd. In some of the pictures, the computer hadn't gotten it quite right and there are weird abnormalities. For example, I found a picture of a guy with the partial face of someone sitting beside him. The thing is, she had an eyeball looking out of her MOUTH! It was say the least.

This creeped me out
Made with AI program

However, in that 3 hours, I met a whole new community of potential characters. And the thing is because they're not actual people, I can let them be whoever I want, or should I say, whoever they want to be. A lot of the pictures just seemed to have a name when I'd look into their eyes. 

One of the other places that Mr. Taylor turned me onto is the sister site of this one, called This Word Does Not Exist. Yep, you guessed it. It's an AI program that creates words that don't exist in a dictionary-esque way. The program will create new words, along with their meanings, as though in a dictionary. Or, you can invent your own words and upload them to have the program create the definitions behind them. It's a blast. 

I invented this word and this is the definition given by
the AI program

I love making up new words, but don't always have an idea of what they mean. Or I have an idea but not sure it works. This program is a blast if you like to invent words. I came to realize that most of the words I invent sound like either language dialects, ancient cultures, or medical conditions/treatments. I found that rather interesting. The one posted above was the only one I created that was defined as a game. A strange game, but a game nonetheless. 

So, hey, check them out and see if you can't get lost in a world of imagination. If you do check out This Person Does Not Exist, watch the little box that comes up at the bottom of the pages. It will lead you to another program that creates works of modern art. I loved that one.

Have fun and Happy writing!!!


Hey, check out my new Patreon Page. It offers a free monthly newsletter, as well as 5 tiers of writing prompts each month. 


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