Promptly Questioned

Promptly Questioned
300 questions for the fiction writer to answer

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Just Shut Up and Do It


No, the title's not meant for you, it's meant for me. I'm having a huge procrastination situation. I'm in the process of trying to find a way to earn a little extra money online by writing, but I'm not having much luck. Partly because I refuse to write for pennies, and partly because I'm good at sabotaging myself.

I've joined up with Fiverr and Upwork. I've created a few gigs on Fiverr, but it's Upwork that I spend the most time at. I look through the job listings on a regular basis, but I'm not all that impressed. I'm shocked at the number of people who want to hire a ghostwriter for a 20K-40K book and only want to pay a half-cent to a penny per word. Um,

First of all, I'm a short story writer. I've tried to write novels, more than once. I've done NaNoWriMo on a couple of occasions and actually hit my target once. But I quickly realized that I didn't have the patience or attention span to do novels. I write short stories because they're, well, short.

I read a great article on Medium titled Why Fiction Writers NEED to Write Short Stories. Author Cameron Thomson goes into detail about how and why short stories are a must for anyone who writes fiction. It really hit me. Though most of it was stuff I already knew, it still resonated with me. Then I got an idea. 

Instead of writing a whole book for someone else, write one for me. And rather than doing a complete novel, do a short story collection. If I can write ten different stories of between 1,500 and 2,500 words each, I would have the equivalent of a novella. I did, however, look into the word count needed and found it's not as cut-and-dried as you'd think. One place says a novella should be a minimum of 10,000 words, while another says it's a minimum of 20,000 words. 

I guess I'll just go with the flow. Write the stories first, then worry about word count. I mean, without the stories, it's just a blank document. So, now I get to come up with ten ideas for stories. I'm not a planner, I usually just let the words flow, then go back and re-read it, hoping it makes sense.

The first thing I need to decide is whether it's going to be a book of fantasy stories, mysteries, or something more contemporary. From there, I'll come up with some interesting titles. Those will probably change as the stories come to life, but I have to start somewhere. 

I still have quite a bit of work ahead of me. But I'm doing it for me, not someone else. And rather than sit around and feel sorry for myself, I just need to shut up and do it. 


Image by Pintera Studio from Pixabay 

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